Tennis is my favourite sport of all time.Although I am still an amatuer in the sport, i believe that with consistent hardwork and more exposure in the game,I would unlock the deadknot of my game.
I have much to learn but it is never a bore to learn this sport.One might think that it only requires you to hit the ball successfully to the other side of the court.This ,however, is just the basic of the game.
Tennis is actually very similar to a game of chess where you need to stratagise a solution to outwit your opponent and try every means to shorten the opponent's reaction time by hitting the ball early while it is rising.To be a competitive player, one has to sacrifice many things in order to reach the top.
Hence,Rafael Nadal is a player I admire.He was not really born with the talent as he never win a single junior grand slam while he is a teenager;but the years of hardwork and determination paid off,as he crafted out a promising future ahead.With a superb court speed,a penetrating backhand and a forehand that rotates 5400 times per minute;he was a man to look out for in a Grand slam especially in the French Open .
Tennis is indeed an interesting game which i hope to excell and master the various strokes well enough to be the best player i could possibly be.

I'm quite experienced with cheesecake.
Actually what I really mean is I'm great at eating them. It is pretty much entailed being given a specification; for instance, choose a desert or find ways to make it more healthy, or even adding fruit. Provided it looks appealing, you could simply whip up whatever cheesecake you like.
I made cheesecake with my sister, more or less a weekly affair.
Cheesecake is just perfect. You could use many ways to decorate it. Need to add fruit? Add some berries perhaps! What is the best desert in the world? Cheesecake! Be it refrigerating or baking it, you could use whatever base your mood fancy.
With such an interesting cake, I thought I would venture into every aspect of it.
Apparently not!
For this particular day, I was doing a good old fashion Oreo cheesecake. It was by far the safest cake which I could make that satisfy my taste bud. I feel a deep sense of "remorse" by not making cakes that attain a certain standard, like those mouthwatering cake one can purchase outside. Sadly, I was always certain of being disappointed every weekend. Anyway, today was on the contrary! The Oreo cheesecake was not the best but probably of a fairly high standard.
By the way, baking is my favourite pastime, besides sleeping, it is a delight to see the smile on the faces of people while savouring the piece of cake you made. It is also a great skill to master if your family is big as one can save the cost on birthday cake. Anyway, remember baking a cheesecake is not a piece of cake. But that would not prevent me on making cheesecake.

South Africa.My favourite tourist destination of the globe.Strange,or perhaps "unsound" to many who are crouch potatos burning their two month vacation on mundane matters.
I,on the contrary,was fortunate enough to recieve free tickets via Johannesburg from my Aunt who works for SIA.Together as a big external family, we set off to the land of the "green".
To our utter amazement,South Africa which was ruled by the British,was a blessed place in which the discovery of gold and diamond were excavated.In fact the upcoming inaugral world cup 2010 would be hosted here.
Admist all of that,what I really love most about this place compared to the rest of the world is their safari.We mounted on the open-air jeep and set off with a well knowledge ranger,Joe,as he skillfully manevour the jeep around the safari to scout for the "Big Five":Rhinoceros,Buffalo,Elephant,Leopard and Lion.Sadly,lady luck was simply not with us ,as we only manage to locate the Lion and the Rhinoceros.The game drive which i experience was probably the closet i will ever get with nature.
Another tourist spot worthwhile to explore is the table mountain.The white clouds shrouded around the mountain most of the time looked like a tablecloth.It was this particular reason that it was named table mountain.
South Africa, where the two majestic ocean collides gives you the continous sense of excitement to travel.South Africa is indeed my place of liking.